Leo Institute x Network

On the way towards our self-realisation, it’s essential to master our mind. Mind can be a beautiful servant cultivating energy, driving us to success with joy, or can become a dangerous master draining our energy, creating anxiety, stress and low productivity. Mastering our mind is a way to learn to generate and direct our energy to create our life. On October 5th at 6:00 PM, Leo Institute invites you to the workshop to explore together how to make the mind our beautiful servant? To take the most out of this workshop, bring one goal that is dear to your heart and that seems to be impossible, or difficult to accomplish. Leo Institute is a self-mastery institute empowering people and teams to become the masters of their life, their relationships, their work and leadership.

Seminar format

The seminar takes place during 5 consecutive days. It includes an individual work in a group setting dynamic driven by the power of collective intelligence. Some activities are done all together, while some exercises are depended in small groups under the guidance of a coach, or in pairs.


October 5 – 18:00